

How To Complete A Literature Review For Your Dissertation

Are you a college student who has a dissertation due? Well, then you must have heard of the word ‘Literature Review’ Do you know what it means? No? Don’t Worry! We are here to help you! Let’s begin with the basics compiled by our dissertation help London based experts.

What Is A Literature Review?

Just like the name suggests, a literature review goes through a large expanse of educational material based on a certain topic. The educational material includes all the articles, journals, or books written about a certain topic of study. The essence of writing a literature review is to first assess the research done previously. Writing a literature review helps students understand the current advancements of the topic they have chosen to study. Only if they know what progress have made will they be able to work further and focus on new areas of research.

Purpose Of Writing A Literature Review

There are multiple purposes of writing a literature review:

Looking For Relevant Literature

To write your dissertation, it is very important to first read up on all the relevant material. Researching material that already exists will help you come up with the direction that you want your research to go in.

Assess Gathered Material

The other main purpose of writing a research proposal is to carry out an assessment of all the gathered information. You need to assess the gathered information so that you understand the trends of the researches carried out previously. Assessing will help you write your own dissertation in the direction others have chosen to ignore or simply paid no attention to.

Identification Of Loopholes

When you read through copious amounts of research you are able to find out all the points that the researchers have left out on. You can also easily identify the errors and then talk about them in your dissertation.

Structuring Of Research

When you read up on the material available you just don’t read about the results, but you also read about the research methods used. Doing that helps you see the follies of different research methods. This way you can comment on the research methods not being a good choice and how you have learned from them to formulate your own research methods.

Now that you fully understand the purpose of writing a literature review, let our experts online class help you. We have asked our experts to provide a detailed guide for all the students struggling to write their literature reviews.

Guide To A Perfect Dissertation Literature Review

Before You Begin Writing:

Look Up Keywords

To research the topic, you have decided you need to start from where. The best place to start is by looking up different keywords online. Make a list of all the keywords that relate to your topic and look them up online. You can even lookup two or more keywords simultaneously. The results will be varied, but that is a good thing as you will be able to filter through them and find the right piece of information. Even when you begin your research, you will find newer terms to look for which will aid your research.

Read, And Read And Then Read Some More!

Dive into the pool of books and other literature. You need to read through a million pages if you want to get the answers you have been looking for. You will have to trace the journey that led you to where you are at the moment. To form an informed opinion, you need to have loads of information so that you can write a comprehensive literature review and then your actual dissertation. To read, you may find material on the World Wide Web. If that does not work out, you always have the option of heading over to your campus library and read through all the research journals and topic-related books available.

Take Well Deserved Breaks

Researching can be quite exhausting so it is a good idea to take a break every now and then. If you spend numerous hours researching without taking any breaks then you are only going to harm your literature review. A tired brain will do you no good. You will not be able to pick up on information that is right in front of your eyes as you will be too exhausted. This is why it is necessary to take breaks and allow your brain to cool down. After every few hours, you must take a break. You can do anything in the break such as use social media, go for a walk, or even take a power nap. When you come back from the break, you will have enough energy to continue with your research efficiently.

Note Down All Relevant Information

It is very important to document all the information that you are collecting in your research. Keep a notebook by your side and jot down all the information you find noteworthy. This is a very good practice as it will help you come up with good points when writing your dissertation literature review. You can always revisit the notes if you get stuck anywhere while writing your dissertation.

Let’s Right That Literature Review!

Step 1: Outline Your Literature Review

After the research, you now have enough material now so that you can arrange them all in an outline. Design the outline of the literature review before you start writing.

Step 2: Break It Into Paragraphs

The next thing you need to do is start writing the literature review. Start with the introduction where you can introduce your topic, then you need to transition to the main body of the literature review. Lastly, write the conclusion of the literature review. Paragraphing is very important if you want to clearly write your literature review. This will give structure to your literature review and the instructor will understand your points more clearly.

Step 3: Your Analysis

The most crucial part of your literature review is the analysis you make. This is the gist of the entire literature review. You need to be very thorough with your arguments in a very comprehensive manner so that you can explain your point of view in a better light. Moreover, when you make a statement you must make sure that you back it with relevant examples so that you can pose a solid argument.

Step 4: Rationalize The Methods You Used

The very last step of your literature review demands you to give reasons as to why you chose the research methods that you did. You may have to contrast and compare methods that are used by other researchers to give reasons for your own.

That’s about it. Your literature review is now complete. If you still have something to ask you can take help from dissertation help London. There are several companies who can help you. Just make sure that you make the right decision and select a reliable company. Go for a company that offers reasonable prices and trained specialists. Be sure to talk to an expert directly, so that you are sure of their proficiency in helping you.

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