5 Quick Tips To Writing A Dissertation Proposal
Dissertation writing is a very challenging task for the students as an entire Bachelors’s, Doctorate, Master, or PhD degree depends on your research paper. However, in the dissertation writing procedure, the most challenging and nerve-breaking task is writing the dissertation proposal. The dissertation proposal is a very important part and the first basic step that acts as a gateway to the actual dissertation writing. If your dissertation proposal is approved by your teachers and professors then you can proceed easily to the next step which is dissertation paper writing. But unfortunately, most of the students usually get stuck in the very first step because of their poor proposals.
Well, if you are a student and have a dissertation
proposal submission near but you are afraid whether your dissertation proposal
would be accepted or not.
If that is the situation then luckily, you are in the right place because we are here to help you. This blog post will tell you the five quick tips for writing a dissertation proposal. Implement these tips which we have mentioned below for you and if still, you face difficulty then we recommend you to take dissertation help UK from some professional academic service and make your dissertation proposal approved by your teachers.
Five Quick Tips for Writing A Dissertation Proposal
To make your academic journey easy and happy,
we have make some research by helping you out to write your dissertation
proposal for you. Lets’ have a look at some of the dissertation proposal
writing tips.
Find A Topic Of Your Interest
The first and the most important tip that would be
very beneficial for you when writing the dissertation proposal is to find a
relevant research topic. If you have been permitted to select your research
topic on your own then you have the liberty to choose the topic that interests
you the most. Generally, students make mistakes while selecting a topic, and
when it gets approved and they began writing a dissertation then they feel it
was a wrong decision and nothing could be done. So to save yourself from future
regret, choose your dissertation topic carefully.
You can list down numerous topics and then do
thorough research that either you are getting some research material or not, or
is there some previous work done on that particular research. As it happens
that you choose the topic that you like it but afterwards you feel difficult to
do so because you are getting no research material on this. It does not mean
that you select a topic on which there is material available but you do not
have any interest in that research topic, it would trouble you. By doing this
you would not be able to understand the topic and it would be a work with no
dedication. Thus, always search for a topic that suits your interest,
understanding, and on which you can find relevant research
Be Clear With Your Thesis Statement and Objectives
The second most important tip in the list is to
state your thesis statement and your research objectives clearly in your
proposal. Your dissertation proposal is the complete plan of your future
dissertation and the main part of your dissertation proposal is your thesis
statement. This thesis statement is the heart of your entire dissertation that
includes the main goal of your entire research. If you miss adding your thesis
statement then your proposal is useless and would be rejected for sure.
Therefore always add your thesis statement in your
proposal which will depict what your research is about and what are you going
to find through your research. But you must be thinking about how to write a
strong thesis statement for your research. Well, we have figured out a simple
formula that will help you in composing your thesis statement easily. The
formula for the thesis statement is defined as follows;
Thesis Statement= Main Goal/ Research Topic + Value Addition
Next, when you add a thesis statement in your research
paper, try to add some objectives too. There are always some objectives set
when researching to achieve that particular goal. These objectives are like
steps to accomplish your goal on time. Thus, always add proper objectives in
eth form of bullet points that will help in convincing your professors.
Always Tell the Scope
No dissertation is complete without telling its
scope. By scope here we mean to explain the importance of your research that
how you can benefit others or society or the education industry with your
research. By scope mean that how your research is going to contribute to the
welfare of the people in the future.
The scope of your research is very important
because, without it, your research is useless if it’s not contributing to any
betterment or bringing a positive change in the world. Therefore, we recommend
you write the scope and importance of your research paper in few words and
elaborate on the worth of your dissertation paper. You can easily write the
importance of your research by simply asking these mentioned questions to
yourself and writing their answers to prove your stance and to validate your
thesis statement. Remember, try to explain your point in simple and easy
language that a common can even understand as you must have heard that
“Simplicity is Beauty”.
Follow Your University’s Rubrics
Another efficient tip that will be beneficial for
you while writing a dissertation proposal is following the rubric provided by
your university. Most of the students usually miss this point and write their
dissertation proposal without focusing on the rubrics and in the end, it gets
rejected. Rubrics are the set of rules which you need to follow that give you
an idea of how to work and what points are going to be evaluated on your
submission. These sets of points are generally divided into different columns
according to the passing levels as pass, merit, and distinction. We recommend
you read your university’s rubric thoroughly and follow it because on that
basis your dissertation proposal is going to get evaluated.
Time Frame
Last but not the least, the most effective tip for
you when writing a dissertation proposal is to plan your dissertation and to
mention it down in your proposal. What does this mean? It means that an additional
work base structure plan in your dissertation proposal which will represent how
you will achieve your goal and in what time you are going to do which task. If
you have a group of four conducting research, divide tasks among four and a lot
of time to each task. This proper planning structure should be added in your
dissertation proposal to give the panel an idea that you would be completing
your dissertation before time with equal participation of all. You can easily
make a time frame on Microsoft Excel or can download the Work-Based Structure
template and can fill up your tasks or milestones along with the estimated
These are the five easy and efficient tips for dissertation proposal writing. Try to follow these tips and get your proposal writing easy. If these tips don’t work out for you then take dissertation help UK and get your dissertation proposal approved by your professors without any difficulty.